Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mornings, Movies and Mayhem

 I have found since I have become a mom that I can admit a lot of things that would have almost killed me to do so before. One of the things I can admit to is that I forget a lot of things these days. Case in point- I forgot to watch the time and as a result, Jon had to come find me at 9:55am (class starts at 10:15) and ask me if I was ready to head to the Lawson for swimming. Um oops... I admitted my absentmindedness. Still, I was feeling frazzled until Jon said proudly "Don't worry, I have everything all ready to go". Wonderful! I go running downstairs figuring I would only have to grab our gear (which I had packed earlier in the morning) and my child and head out the door... and find my son still in his sleep sack and strapped in the swing. *smacks forehead* This lead to a Jon honey, I love you, but I fail to see what this everything you did to get ready is type comment. He replies after some thought that he started the car. Ohhhhh really? You mean you actually pushed the button on the keychain? Woooow. Ok I do not want to sound mean but seriously the guy could not admit he had really done nothing to help get us out the door, especially not the most important thing which would obviously be to get Chase dressed and ready to go. Sigh...

So off we head to the pool and about 3/4 of the way there, a thought hits me and I begin to rummage through the packed bag only to have my worst fears comfirmed... I have forgotten to pack UNDERWEAR!!! (I put my bathing suit on under my clothes so when we get to the pool, I can quickly get myself ready and then be free to get Chase into his own trunks more efficiently.) Jon thought this was ridiculously funny- I did not. He offered to go home and bring some to me but then I had this mental image of him trying to find a subtle and oh so cool way to smuggle me some underwear... in the image he looked like a perverted drug dealer. Sigh #2 of the day. Swimming went well but poor Chase was chattering with cold so I bailed out early. Laying on a table in the change room, my poor kid was shivering away and signing frantically for milk with his cute little pudgy hand. lol Ok that was adorable. Not so cute was the commando ride home though I suppose one could call it refreshing. Sigh #3

When we got home, I put the boy down for a nap and then my friend who is also my coworker begged me to go with her to a Stars and Strollers movie. Now I know I should have stayed home and let my child sleep but getting out of the house is golden! So I woke him early, packed a diaper bag and off we went. The movie playing was Alice in Wonderland. Ok ugh, seriously I have NEVER understood how this is an appropriate story for children. It is beyond creepy and weird and just plain freaky. Oh well... All was well for 30 seconds until my child preceeded to scream and flail. I am not sure if the dark, the noise or something else was bothering him but wow. I was the parent with the screamer. I made repeated laps in the back of the theatre but I finally took him out for a bit, let him play and calm down, then strapped him in the hip hammock and went back to pacing. He fell asleep and I watched the rest of the movie standing in the back. Motherhood is a neverending series of uncomfortable moments but dang, I would do anything for this kid! I should add that in the theatre, I realized I was missing the bottle I had packed- that was found later in the street outside my house. I also lost one of Chase's shoes- that was found on the floor several rows away from where I had tried to sit in the theatre. Sighs #4 and 5.

I paid dearly for waking my child early and he was miserable until I finally got him to sleep in the late afternoon but he woke up with a smile on his face and all was well again in Motherhood Land. I love his smiles and squeals and best of all, when he grabs my cheeks and pulls me in for a sloppy baby kiss. :) Going to bed a tired but happy mommy!


  1. Welcome to the blog world! I, too, have forgotten my undies while taking my Schmoo swimming. That was the same day my man forgot to take his swimsuit.

  2. lol thank goodness I am not the only one to have done that!
