Monday, March 15, 2010

A Boy and His Grandma

Since the day Chase was born, he has had an unusually close connection with his grandma (my mom). I have noticed it, Jon has noticed it and more recently my sisters and grandparents have noticed it as well. I can't really explain just what it is the two have between them but it is deep and it is strong. His whole face lights up and he just starts bouncing and kicking away when we walk through her door or she walks through ours. Even her voice over the phone leads to big smiles and happy gurgles. She was even the first person he gave hugs too; you know, the really big, squeeze for all you are worth type ones. When we have a truly horrendous day together or a week or more of lousy sleep nights and I call my mom in desperation and she heads over without another thought, almost the second she walks through the door Chase relaxes and is a different child. Where does this come from? I mean my mom was there in the delivery room when my son came into this world (as she was with Hayden) and she has always been a frequent visitor but still, she spent and spends many hours with all her grandchildren. I hope it does not sound like I believe her relationship with her other grandkids is in some way inferior but there is no question that her bond with Chase is different somehow. 

Well, I suppose it does not really matter where it comes from, I am thrilled it is there and it is truly something to see. I was and am still very close to my Grandma and Grandpa Price so maybe it runs in the family! I hope one day I have such a connection with my grandkids! In the meantime, I fully anticipate my mom being the one Chase will go to when he is fed up with Mom and Dad, when he needs a change scenery, or when he needs a more "flexible" adult to turn to. I guess we had better put Grandma on speed dial now, at the rate this kid is learning, I expect he will be using the phone within the week! :P

On a related note, I have never fully appreciated my family as much as I have since having a child. They are wonderful people willing to listen to me at any hour and attempt to answer questions no matter how silly or strange I think they are. I have a rather impressive amount of babysitters with a few more in training (Brydon and Phillip are turning 12 this year and Phil just completed his babysitter's course) and they all love my boy to pieces. It is rather amusing to see his cousins, aunts, and uncles all but tugging him apart in a battle of who gets to hold him first. They even beg to keep him overnight knowing full well I cannot always guarantee a restful night and they have to work the next day! I love my family and am so very grateful for these people who are a part of my child's world. He is unconditionally loved and yes a little spoiled by them all! What a lucky boy he is!


  1. oh goodness, I can't believe that Phillip and Brydon are turning 12... where has the time gone?

    chase is very lucky to have such a great family, and you guys are lucky to all live so close together :)

  2. Brydon was a year and a half and still in diapers when I first met him... it is insane how fast time has gone by! Hayden is turning 8 next month, Sierra is turning 10 also next month and Ella will be 5 on the 26th. They are hard to keep up with.
